Well, it's official. I am NO good at blogging. Maybe now that things have settled down I'll be able to blog more often. Ah heck, who am I kidding? I'll most likely forget about it for 3 months again ;).
Anyway, we are in Connecticut. TJ has started work at the station. Station life is definitely different than what we are used to. Does it make any sense that I'd rather him be gone for 8 weeks than 2 days? It seems much less lonely to have him gone for 8 weeks- don't ask me how, it just does. Hopefully, his schedule will calm down by the end of the month. He's working his tail off to get his qualifications done and I am so so proud of him.
Hmm.. let's see. Oh, I'll be a full time student in about 3 weeks! Yay! I'll be going back for my Bachelors in Sociology. That's my major for now. I'm sure I'll change it a few dozen times before I graduate. I've enjoyed the time off. A lot happened during my break. Let's recap: TJ started terminal leave, TJ started AND finished a semester of college, I started working part time (eek!) and quit working once I found out we'd be leaving, TJ and I made the decision for him to reenlist in the Coast Guard, and we move 1300 miles up the east coast. Phew... I think that is it.
So the house is pretty much unpacked. I just need to bribe TJ into hanging my pictures. Yeah, that'll happen- pshh ;). The dogs are adjusting. I'm sure they are just glad to be out of that truck. I thought for sure they were going to go insane.
As well as working on his qualifications for the station, TJ is working hard to get his stuff in order to make 2nd class. I know he wants to make 2nd so bad and he deserves it. It will be a huge step in his career.
I'm still trying to decide what it is I want to do with my life and career. In all honesty, I would LOVE to be a part of an animal rescue. I tell TJ all the time, it breaks my heart in a million pieces to hear about an animal that is homeless or abused. I want so bad to help put an end to animal cruelty and find all of these loving animals homes, I just don't know where to start. I feel helpless and so guilty because I can't help.
Anyway, I've gotten a bit off track. That is pretty much all that is new with us right now. I promise to try to update more regularly :).